A master of "walking in someone else's shoes," Juanes dedicated his song, "Sueños" to all who are held captive around the world, especially the two young 11 year old brothers who are prisoners somewhere in the jungles of Colombia. All this and more at yesterday's Paz Sin Fronteras concert in Havanna, Cuba.
The song and its lead in were moving, and I cannot imagine one dry eye among more than 1 million participants and countless others who watched or listened to the concert remotely.
One clear message: freedom, love, and hope are universal for ALL human beings, especially for those who have been denied their freedom unjustly.
The message has played out all around the world, and it had decidedly (and finally) made its way to Havanna, Cuba live and in-person.
No border should exclude that message from being delivered, and Cuba is no exception. Period. End of message.
Juanes works to focus the spotlight on the word's youth as the future, and this performance was no exception.
I did a quick translation of Juanes' song to English – certainly not an official translation of it – but a quick one for those who may not know Spanish.
No matter the language, it is a song we might all be singing someday.
Music and Lyrics by Juanes
Sueño libertad para todos los que están
secuestrados hoy en medio de la selva
y sueño con la paz de mi pueblo desangrado
y con el final de esta injusta guerra
I dream of freedom for all who are
kidnapped today in the middle of the jungle
and I dream about peace for all the bloodshed
and about the end of this unjust war
Sueño con tantas cosas que
quiero que sean realidad
sueño con morir de viejo y no de soledad
sueño con ir a trabajar
y mucho más con regresar
cada noche a mi casa
para estar junto a ti
I dream about so many things
that I want to see real
I dream about dying of old age instead of solitude
I dream about going to work
and much more about returning
home every night
to be next to you
Y que no muera nunca nuestro amor
eso sueño yo
y que se fundan balas para hacer
campanas de libertad
y que no muera nunca nuestro amor
eso sueño yo
That our love never die
I dream
and that bullets are melted
to make liberty bells
that our love never die
that, I dream
Sueño despertar en un mundo sin dolor
pa’que el corazón no sufra más las penas
y sueño caminar por las calles de mi país
y solo encontrar paz
I dream about waking up in a world without pain
so that the heart doesn't suffer any more of it
that I'm walking through my country's streets
and all I find is peace
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